How to Write a Professional Condolence Email: A Comprehensive Guide

In times of grief, a thoughtful message can offer comfort and let your professional acquaintance know you’re there for them. But is it appropriate to send condolences via an email to a co-worker, boss, or client? Absolutely, yes. Given today’s digital age, sending a condolence email is not only appropriate but also a timely and sensitive way to express your sympathy.

In this guide…

How to Express Condolences Professionally via Email: Do’s and Don’ts

When offering condolences to a co-worker or boss, consider these do’s and don’ts to maintain a professional and empathetic tone:


  1. Keep it simple and sincere: Start by expressing your sympathy, and share a positive memory if you have one. There’s no need to be overly formal or verbose.
  2. Respect their privacy: It’s better to avoid asking for details about the death or the funeral arrangements unless they share it first.
  3. Offer assistance: If it’s appropriate, let them know you are available to help, whether that’s covering some of their workload or just being there to listen.


  1. Avoid clichés: Phrases like “He is in a better place” can come across as insincere or insensitive.
  2. Don’t pressure for a response: Remember, they might be dealing with a lot, and replying to emails might not be their top priority.
  3. Avoid sharing your own experiences of loss: Unless you’re very close, it’s better to keep the focus on them.

How to Express Condolences to a Client

Offering condolences to a client requires some additional tact and sensitivity due to the professional nature of the relationship:

  1. Be respectful and professional: While it’s essential to be empathetic, ensure you don’t overstep professional boundaries.
  2. Keep the message brief: Given the nature of the relationship, a simple expression of sympathy can suffice.
  3. Maintain confidentiality: If you heard about their loss from a third party, respect their privacy and don’t mention how you found out.

How to Offer Condolences via Slack

Slack messages can also serve as a useful platform to express condolences, especially if you interact with the colleague regularly on the app. Here are some tips:

  1. Be direct and concise: Due to Slack’s informal nature, a concise, caring message is appropriate.
  2. Engage in conversation: If the co-worker responds, let them guide the conversation. They may want to talk, or they may prefer to keep communication professional.
  3. Respect their space: Don’t pressure them to respond immediately or share details they’re not comfortable with.

Here is what a conversation on Slack might look like:

John: Hey Paul, I just heard about your loss. I’m really sorry and want you to know that I’m here if you need to talk about anything.

Paul: Thanks, John. I appreciate your kind words.

John: Of course, Paul. I know no words can make this time easier, but please remember to take care of yourself. If there is anything at work that you need help with, do not hesitate to let me know.

Paul: Thank you, John. It’s been a tough few days, but I’m managing. Your support means a lot.

John: I can only imagine, Paul. Take all the time you need. We’ve got things covered here. Just focus on yourself and your family right now.

Paul: Thanks again, John. It’s good to know I have such supportive colleagues.

John: Anytime, Paul. We’re all here for you.

Email Templates for Offering Condolences Professionally

Here are some templates you can use to offer condolences professionally. Remember to personalize them with the appropriate names and details.

  1. Template 1: “Dear [Name], I was deeply saddened to hear about your loss. Please accept my sincerest condolences and know that my thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Best, [Your Name]”
  2. Template 2: “Hello [Name], I want to express my deepest sympathies for your loss. If there’s anything I can do to assist you during this time, please don’t hesitate to ask. Kind regards, [Your Name]”
  3. Template 3: “Dear [Name], I was sorry to hear about your recent loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. If you need any support or someone to talk to, I’m here for you. Take care, [Your Name]”
  4. Template 4: “Hi [Name], I wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you during this difficult time. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss. Warm regards, [Your Name]”

In the end, the most important thing is to show empathy and understanding. Whether you’re comforting a co-worker, a boss, or a client, your support can make a significant difference in their healing process.

Common Advice You’ll Find Online That Is Wrong

While there’s an abundance of advice on the internet about how to write a condolence email, not all of it is sound. Here are a few common suggestions you might encounter and reasons why we recommend avoiding them:

“Always use religious phrases to comfort the bereaved”: While religious phrases may be comforting to some, they may not be suitable for everyone. Not all people share the same beliefs, and using religious language might make some uncomfortable or misunderstood. Unless you know the person’s beliefs and are sure they would appreciate such phrases, it’s safer to avoid them.

“Offer advice on how to deal with grief”: It may seem helpful to provide advice about coping with grief, but in many cases, this can come off as presumptuous or insensitive. Everyone grieves differently and what worked for one person might not work for another. It’s best to simply offer your sympathy and support.

“Tell them you understand how they feel”: Even if you have experienced a similar loss, it’s not recommended to say that you understand how the person feels. Grief is a personal and unique experience, and stating that you understand can inadvertently minimize their feelings.

“Wait for them to reach out to you”: While it’s true that you should respect the person’s space, it doesn’t mean you should wait for them to reach out. They might be overwhelmed and not know how to ask for help or who to reach out to. It’s often appreciated when you take the initiative to express your condolences and offer support.

“Include a cheerful or positive anecdote about the deceased”: While sharing a positive memory can sometimes provide comfort, this isn’t always the case, particularly in a professional relationship. Unless you had a close relationship with the deceased, it might be best to refrain from sharing personal anecdotes.

In writing a condolence email, the most important rule is to be respectful and sincere. If your message comes from a place of genuine care and sympathy, it will provide comfort, even if you don’t get the wording perfectly right.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sending Condolence Emails

  1. Is it appropriate to send a condolence email to a professional acquaintance? Yes, it’s appropriate and often appreciated to send a condolence email to a professional acquaintance such as a co-worker, boss, or client. It shows that you care and are there to support them during their difficult time.
  2. When should I send a condolence email? It’s usually best to send a condolence email as soon as you hear about the person’s loss. It shows that you’re thinking of them during their difficult time.
  3. What should I include in a professional condolence email? A professional condolence email should express your sympathy, maintain a level of respect and professionalism, and offer support. It’s also recommended to keep it brief and to avoid overly personal or emotional language.
  4. Should I follow up after sending a condolence email? Unless the person responds to your email, it’s generally best not to follow up. They’re likely going through a difficult time and may not have the energy or time to respond.
  5. Is it okay to offer help in a condolence email? Yes, offering help is a kind gesture and often appreciated. However, be sure that you’re able and willing to follow through with any assistance you offer.
  6. Should I send a group or individual condolence email? If you’re close with the bereaved, it’s better to send an individual email. However, in a professional setting where multiple colleagues want to express their sympathy, a group email may be more appropriate.

Remember, the most important aspect of a condolence message is to show your support and let the person know they’re in your thoughts during this challenging time. Keep it sincere, respectful, and professional.